This is 59 photos, together in one place. And nothing much exciting, just some moments that seemed to happen this spring.

Backyard moments.

When you’re young, you’re not allowed to use the garden hose. But having been turned off recently there remained some lingering pressure to get excited about.

But it didn’t last long.

Time to fall down and feel depressed on the concrete.

Then again, there’s other things to get done.

Moody shots from upstairs inside the red barn.

It is necessary sometimes to employ a flash to capture the decisive moment.

One day we went to the Bloedel Conservatory. I wrote about that trip in a previous blog entry but I never developed this film until now.

Our Town. This little series reads like a dialog.


Something about these tourists was not quite right.

Back for another visit.

The sun had just set. The Where’s Waldo of lovers in the landscape.

The desire to finish off that roll coincided with a nice afternoon view from my apartment.

This fella had a funky dance as he glued his posters up. I made this frame and then waited a long time for another, hoping he’d look my way but I left frustrated.

Dad’s giving my sister some make-up tips there.

My sister was enjoying a nice coffee.

Dom left.

Bye, Dom.

That’s Loscil performing at Red Cat Records.

I enjoyed that.

The Main for some brunch by the window.

She’s saying something.

Another day, and brunch at Habit.

You won’t hear it often, but that would be better in colour.

This is that photo that I wouldn’t normally make, but when you already have the camera at your face you sometimes decide ‘why not?’ and then it’s your favourite shot on the roll.

For anyone who doesn’t understand graduated licensing in BC, it’s required to display that L when one has a Learner’s Licence. I think this photo is special because it isn’t just a Porsche Cayenne, it isn’t even just a Porsche Cayenne S, or a Porsche Cayenne Turbo. It’s a Porsche Cayenne Turbo S. It’s never a bad idea to learn to drive on a six figure 550 horsepower eurominivan, at least that’s what I’ve always said.

John didn’t have much to say about that.

But Randy was quite impressed.

Enjoying the rest of the evening sunlight.

And checking out what the neighbors are up to.

We were at the park another evening to throw a disc around.

I had lunch with Gil Grissom.

Just something that I saw.
Hmm, I wonder what’s next.