This entry features 112 jpeg containers. With this scope in mind I feel responsible for introducing what you are about to experience but I find myself without words. It is a perpetuating comedy, then. I photograph for many reasons but one of them is the excellence it represents in the conundrum of self-expression, reflection and reciprocation. Where I stumble, photography grounds me. And, by the way, I love yours too. I think other bloggers should comment so that I can follow the links back to your internet venues. Now, then.
There is a film named Kodak HD 400. I shot a roll of it in my Nickelodeon Photoblaster.

Interestingly enough, the results from this expired roll that has been in my fridge (a number of fridges, really) for years are rather delicious.

Brother Entropy surprised us all in Vancouver with the weather throughout September but in October it began to rain at last. Quite convincingly I might add.

This cat convinced a number of individuals that being in a salad bowl on the floor really is not so bad.

Limits tested, but not met.

Quite content to be back on the floor again. I guess it is really nice to have a camera around for these situations.

Add another point in my decisive moment column.

I love that the film recorded the nature of the sky to some degree, polluted by the light of the city landscape.

I missed several cute/intimate moments between these two but I still wanted them anyway so I had to take them.

We were all in attendance to see a guy in a place.

Pretty sure that was 1/2.

Apparently that is what I looked like, proudly demonstrating my Nickelodeon Photoblaster back from the shop in tip-top shape.

Discovering mirrors is a bit of a strength, I would say.

Guy outside of a place.

Hm, and snapping to finish the roll off the next day. That place burned down on November 12th. That place where I spent so many days, taking oh, okay, maybe one more cup of coffee. Where the food always hit the spot. Where I truly loved the staff. Where.. I don’t know where to go any more.

Good thing, then, that we went inside that day. I guess this was the second to last time I was there. Kodak Tri-X.

I am going to weave in a roll of NPZ here and there and intend that I am slotting it in pseudo-chronologically. Again, different cameras and simultaneous rolls, so who really knows.

Kidnap Kids at Goonies.

Nadja at the Rickshaw.

They were great.


I failed exposing that one, oops, was in a hurried commute. It is almost what I was going for though, to be fair.

That was Mono at the Biltmore, October 6. I only made that one shot on film. Actually, maybe I should include a few of the digital frames I made there…

Here’s Beard wondering if he’ll regret that face. Though he was happy to send me off with the 5d.

So Randy and I hopped in a cab.

The stage was set when we arrived.

The show was sensational, profoundly sensational.

To celebrate we visited 7-11.

On October 9th, 2009 the Centaur upper stage of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite impacted the crater Cabeus near the south pole of the Moon at a velocity of 10,000 km/h. I made a photograph for posterity.

We talked about something cool. Can’t remember what it was. Good story, right?

Waiting to get somewhere.

Quaint. It is always good to get involved with the community in pro-active ways.

Or to just sit and study.

Or sit and sip, discuss.

I am a little rusty.

So, something else that happened in October was my 10 year high school reunion, yep.

Eventually the photographers of the class converged a bit. Everybody loves to handle the Nickelodeon Photoblaster.

It was a weird event. Oh, no, not the reunion. Just the fact that someone almost managed to pull focus here.

That hat fell from the balcony above where a wedding reception was taking place. The hat was being used as a prop for photographs, unfortunately I ended up wearing it for a while before realizing what it looked like on me. Fortunately, it was legal for us all to drink this time we got together, and drinking definitely did occur.

I played with the photographer above who had by that time realized I was in possession of her hat. I was working my way up the stairs to deliver it back to her when I was intercepted by a friendly dude, the brother of the groom perhaps, who had come to retrieve the hat. I didn’t get any farther than that, which I regretted. I wanted to say thanks for playing with me.

Then it was time to celebrate a birthday.

And have a bit of a jam. I think Weston is going to be the family drummer.

That composition grows on me every time, more than last time. ;]

We drove to the supermarket. Careful not to get a parking ticket.

A portrait of a person; a portrait of quality time.

Completing the circle of life, queuing to pay. On the internet, at the cashier, on the internet.

Hallowe’en was approaching, and the last day at my old apartment. Still I had not found a new place to live.

Our Town had become a fairly regular spot to regroup.

And the packing was underway. I was fortunate to have amazing help from amazing friends. And a place to live was found.

As my apartment emptied I paused to make one last image in that place.

I moved on October 31st. The weather was incredible, as was the help I received. Hi, mom.

Later we returned to Command HQ and launched Operation: Destroy Brain Cells.

Other things also happened that night, as they usually do.

Although I dawned the horse to this party, the hot dog guy found an appreciation for my style. We traded hats and I wore his zombie Barack Obama mask which worked out nicely because I was dressed formally and it was possible to shoot through the eye holes in the Obama mask, unlike through the horses mouth.


November 1st deserved going out for breakfast.

R.I.P. Idle Thumbs <3 (that was being out for breakfast another day in fact). I was boycotting the price of razors for a bit. :/

We are at the Elbow Room.

The painting walls occurred. The consumption of Stiegl occured, occurs yet.

Leica eyes. You know’em or you don’t.

You’d think I might be near Our Town again.

Might be right…

It is happening on all sides of me.

Oh, this is unique. I brought to a show a flash device for my camera, then I used it.

I am impressed you’ve got this far, honestly.

But do not worry, we are almost there.


I think we’re good.